Monday, October 31, 2011

Funnel Wall

Im going to look for a video to hear it play. This is TOO cool to me! Via -

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Gravity aint everywhere?

"For more than 40 years, scientists have tried to figure out what's causing large parts of Canada, particularly the Hudson Bay region, to be "missing" gravity. In other words, gravity in the Hudson Bay area and surrounding regions is lower than it is in other parts of the world, a phenomenon first identified in the 1960s when the Earth's global gravity fields were being charted." - Jacob Silverman

This BLOWS my mind away because, its so sci-fi. Places on earth with less gravity? Wow, now I wanna go there to see and feel it. Earth is such a beautiful creature. Thank you God.

If you would like more info on this topic, Jacob Silverman's Article continues further at


Saturday, October 29, 2011


"You know Jay-Z & Kanye had to have a surprise for the crowd other then performing 41 songs during the “Watch The Throne” concert in Atlanta. Word is that every show stop is going to have a different surprise so don’t expect to see a great white on stage in your city. That shhhh cray." - atlnightspots.con Via -

I am COMPLETLY stoked about thi concert. Even though Ill be in Nose Bleeds lol. The Homie @rocarmy0322 referred me to the info above. #SWEET

Mickey goin HAM!

As you can tell by my default, I like abstract Mickey Mouse art. I have no beef with the mouse, I love him actually. Its just cool to see an augmented visual of such a squeaky (no pun intended) clean character.

Via -

Shes Sexy!

Lamborghini Aventador #NIICE

via -



Since my Lady is pregnant and I like art I thought this to be fitting lol via -